
  • How can I get a replacement screw/part for my product?

    Our customer support team will be happy to help you. Just fill out the form here (Contact Us) and be as descriptive as you can. Include pictures if you cannot describe the item. We will find the spare part you need and send it out immediately.
  • How to download the manual for your scope

    Scope manuals can be found on the product page, or you can download it from our list here:
  • How to install a drop-in quad rail handguard

    Warning: Always check and make sure the firearm is unloaded before attempting any modifications Recommended tools: Handguard Removal tool Hex Key (included in every Monstrum Tactical AR-15 Drop-In Quad Rail Handguard package) 1. Remove the stock plastic handguard using the handguard removal...
  • When will an item be back in stock?

    While we do our best to manufacture new items as rapidly as possible, sometimes 3rd party components or logistics will cause delays. As long as the product is listed on our website we are in the process of restocking it. To be notified of when the item will be available again, select the variatio...